Friday, October 24, 2014

First Post In 4 years!

Wow! I had no clue that this blog was still here! You know how you get all caught up in "real life" and things just happen and you forget all about things you were once so thrilled about? Well, yeah, that's kinda what happened here.

BUT, I'm back! I'm not sure what direction I want to take this blog in, sooooo, there's no telling what might come up next!

At the moment, I'm doing some research on different things. Things that could make me some cash...things that could make YOU some cash too, so stay tuned!

What? what? OK, I'll give you a few hints, lol. Right now, I'm looking at some CPA marketing...and doing some experimenting to see if it's actually possible to drive traffic without having to spend a fortune like the BIG DOG marketers do.

Oh, and a few other things like selling my writing and getting paid to name websites, that sort of thing.

One of the interesting things I've come across recently is a new site similar to Fiverr, except it has higher paying gigs...and some of them could even turn into long term incme.

Later, I'll be posting reviews on a couple of these programs I've found, so stay tuned...and if you haven't subscribed yet, by email...go ahead and do that now!

See ya soon!